How to troubleshoot a Flatfrog MT3200



Flatfrog MT3200 is no longer working properly.


The Flatfrog MT3200 is no longer manufactured or sold, and is out of guarantee.


Based on experience this may work for some customers. Please be aware this hardware is discontinued and no longer supported.

  1. Please verify if the touchscreen is giving the same issues, while connected with different hardware units.

  2. If the issues don’t occur on the secondary machine, compare the settings of Windows and the drivers installed.

  3. Only if the same problem occurs on different machines , execute the steps below.

  4. Follow the steps very carefully, so don’t hold a button longer than described in the manual. Not following these steps could lead to a hardware unit without or with a malfunctioning firmware

  5. Please try to upgrade the Firmware using the instructions in section 7.5 of the user manual. Use a FAT formatted USB memory disk of at least 256 Megabyte. The manual and the firmware are attached to the issue.

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