Access via RDP

While the RDP session is active, the YachtEye video output will show the Windows login screen.

This means that the YachtEye functionality is interrupted during the RDP session.

Do not log off from the RDP session, do not close the RDP window: the YachtEye system will keep showing the login screen.

RDP for servers running Windows 8.1 (DRAFT)


  1. Start a RUN dialog and enter: “mstsc /v:[IP-Address] /admin”, e.g. mstsc /v: /admin

  2. The Username is admin (or YachtEye on older systems), leave the password field empty, click OK.

  3. Ignore certificate warnings.

  4. The YachtEye 'console' should now be displayed (this can take some time).

  5. To exit the RDP session and ensure YachtEye will run afterwards, we advice to reboot the server: open a CMD window and type: shutdown /r /t 10 .

RDP for servers running Windows 10

To be provided.